
Monday, April 25, 2011

Characteristics of Pregnant Women

Pregnancy can only be definitively diagnosed by a doctor. However there are some traits in women that is a sign of the she was pregnant.

Following this, some early symptoms of pregnancy on your wife:

1. No longer getting your period or periods during each month. For that need to be known for certain when the first day of the coming period so that you can know the gestational age and estimated delivery time your wife. However, it needs to know that menstruation is not the right time can also be caused by other things.

2. Nausea and vomiting. As a result of hormonal changes in your isitri. Nausea, vomiting is often referred to as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting usually occurs in the morning in the first months of pregnancy.

3. Frequent urination. This happens because your wife's bladder pressure by the enlarged uterus. This beser common complaint will be reduced in pregnancy after 12 weeks and re-emerges after 28 weeks gestation.

4. Cravings. In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant women usually want certain foods. This happened the first few months.

Signs and other features commonly appear in pregnant women is the breast enlargement, breast nipples enlarged and sometimes dark feel very itchy and sore.

Every woman has a sign of pregnancy is highly variable. There are heavy and some are even not have any complaints at all. When the characteristics of this pregnancy does not exist, then you should do another test.

The most often used is the doctor for a pregnancy test with urine tests. Urine pregnancy test you can do yourself to purchase test equipment in the pharmacy and do the urine test in your home.

Urine pregnancy test is done by measuring the levels of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by the placenta and the amount will increase in the urine and blood during the first week after conception.

Note the instructions provided when using this urine test kits. Get the most accurate results if the tests performed in the morning because that time is very high HCG hormone. And if you have any doubt whether your wife is pregnant or not, go to your doctor. Doctors can make sure your wife pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasonography), this method will show the picture of Doctor fetus in the womb your wife.



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