
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is fart? - Sometimes it is cool discussing with friends feel wanted fart. Farts are sometimes really can make us ashamed if not exactly when. Usually the event so each point if the fart is muted. But really what's the fart?

1. where  farts come from? 
Of gas in the intestines. Gas in the gut comes from air we swallow, gas break through into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from the chemical reaction of the bacteria in the stomach.

2. What is the composition of fart? 
Varies. The more air you swallow, the more levels of nitrogen in the gas (oxygen from the air absorbed by the body before it reaches the intestine). The presence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid & intestinal fluid produces carbon dioxide. Bacteria also produce methane & hydrogen. The proportion of each gas depending on what you eat, how much air you swallowed, the type of bacteria in the gut, how long we hold the fart. The longer withstand wind, the greater the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal wall. People who eat in a hurry oxygen levels in the fart more because his body could not absorb oxygen. (So ​​do not hold back like fart).

3. Why do farts stink? 
The smell of farts because the content of hydrogen sulfide & mercaptan. Both of these compounds containsulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more sulfides & mercaptan produced by bacteria in the stomach, & the more you fart busuklah. Eggs & meat had a big role in producing bad smell fart. Legumes play a role in producing the volume of gas, not in the rot.

4. Why fart noises? 
Because of the vibrations during anus fart produced. The severity depends on the speed of sound of gas. (And your anus hole diameter, hi .. hi ....)

5. Why do farts smell was warm & no noise? 
One source of fart is bacteria. Bacterial fermentation & digestion process produces heat, the gas side is rotten. Gas bubble size is smaller, warm & saturated with bacterial metabolic products noisome. It later became fart, though only a small volume, but the SBD (Silent But Deadly).

6. How much gas is produced per day?
The average half-liter of farts a day in 14 times.

7. Why do farts come out through the anus? 
Because of its density is lighter, why do not fart gas to travel upward? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push it downward. Pressure around the lower rectum. Intestinal peristalsis made into a pressurized chamber, thereby forcing the contents of the intestine, including its gas to move to a lower pressure region who, around the anus. On the way to the anus, small bubbles join to be a big bubble. If there is no peristalsis, the gas bubbles will break through to the top again, but not too much, because who form complex intestinal & berbeit the bush. (Imagine if farting out of the nostrils).

8. How much time required by the fart to travel to someone else's nose?
Depending on weather conditions, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, fart gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' and 'receivers'. Once leaving the source, spreads & fart gas concentration is reduced. If the fart is not detected within a few seconds, is to experience dilution in the air & air lost forever. Except when you fart in tight spaces, like elevators, cars, more concentration, so the smell will stay for a long time until finally absorbed the wall.

9. Is everyone farts? 
Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people can still fart. (Why not be ashamed if often farts)

10. Is it true that men fart more often than women? 
Nothing to do with gender .. If true, it means that women hold farts, fart & current significantly the number who were excluded. (That's why women are more smelly fart, ha .. ha ....)

11. At what usually people fart? 
Morning in the toilet. the so-called "morning thunder". If the resonance is good, can be heard throughout the house.

12. Why not eat nuts cause a lot of fart?Nuts contain sugars that the body can not digest.
TSB sugar (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) if it reaches the intestine, bacteria in the gut immediately feasted & make a lot of gas.
Corn, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, milk also causes a lot of farting (not the smell!).

13. Besides food, what are the causes of farts? 
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, eat without chewing, drinking soft drinks, a plane (because of lower air pressure, so that the gas in the intestine has emerged as a fart & expansion).

14. Is farting together with saltpeter, but emerged from another hole? 
No ... burp emerges from the stomach, the other with a fart its chemical composition. Saltpeter contains more air, farts contain gas produced by bacteria more.

15. Where has held that fart gas is not removed? 
Not absorbed blood, not lost due to leak .. But migrate to the intestine toward the top & in turn will be out as well. So it's not gone, but only delayed.

16. Might burn farts?
Could be.
Farts contain methane, a combustible hydrogen (natural gas containing these components as well). If it burns, its flame is blue because the content of the element hydrogen. (Kalo up the mountain, but forgot to bring matches indomie would cook, wear make fart aja turn on the stove)

17. Can light a match with a fart? 
Do not be ridiculous. .. Another consistency. Also the temperature is not hot enough to initiate combustion.

18. Why is farting dogs & cats more rotten? 
Because dogs & cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat is rich in protein. Many sulfur-containing proteins, so this animal farts smell more rotten. Other herbivores such as cows, horses, elephants, which produce more farts, longer, louder sound, but is relatively odorless. (So ​​much better pet elephant at home rather than dog).

19. Is it true that if you can smell the fart drunk 2-3 times in a row? 
Farts contain less oxygen, may experience dizziness if you smell the fart too much. (So ​​who had a hobby of smell farts, should be decreased)

20. Does the color of fart? 
Colorless. If the color is orange like nitrogen oxides, willfound out who farted.

21. Fart it is acidic, basic or neutral?

Acid, because it contains karbondioksisa (CO2) & hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

22. What happens if someone farted on Venus?
The planet Venus has a lot of sulfur (sulfur) in the lining of the air, so fart in thence no effect.

Translated from original post

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Sultanate of Gowa or sometimes written Goa, is one of the great empire and the most successful of the region of South Sulawesi. The people of this kingdom came from Makassar tribe who settled in the southern tip and western coast of Sulawesi. This empire is now under the Gowa District and some parts of the surrounding area. This kingdom has a king's most famous title of Sultan Hasanuddin, who was then doing battle known as the Makassar War (1666-1669) of VOC is assisted by Bone kingdom ruled by a dynasty with its king Arung Bugis Palakka. Makassar War is not a tribal war because of the Gowa has allies among the Bugis; so are the Dutch-Bone has an ally of Makassar. Makassar War is the greatest war ever done VOC in the 17th century.
At first in the area there are nine community Gowa, known by the name of Bate Salapang (Nine Flag), which later became the center of the kingdom of Gowa: Tombolo, Lakiung, Parang-Parang, Data, Agangjene, Saumata, Bissei, Sero and Kalili. Through a variety of ways, both peace and coercion, other communities joined to form the Kingdom of Gowa. Stories from the predecessor in Gowa Tumanurung started by the founder of the Palace of Gowa, Makassar tradition but others say four people who preceded the arrival of Tumanurung, two people are the first Guru and his brother.
The 16th century 
Reigning at the beginning of the 16th century, the kingdom of Gowa enthroned Karaeng (Ruler) Gowa-9, named Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna. At that time a Portuguese explorer commented that "the area called Makassar is very small". By doing a massive overhaul in the kingdom, Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna change Makassar region of a confederation of loosely inter-community into a unified state of Gowa. He also set the unification of Gowa and Tallo then taped with an oath stating that anything that tries to make them fight each other (ampasiewai) will receive the punishment of the Gods. A legislation and the rules of war is made, and a system of tax collection and customs instituted under a shahbandar to fund the kingdom. Once dikenangnya king in the story is that the predecessor of Gowa, praised his reign as a time when a good harvest and fishing a lot

In a number of successful military offensive to defeat the ruler of Gowa these neighboring countries, including Day and create a pattern of imperial ambitions and trying matched by rulers abadl later in the 16th and the 17th. Kingdoms that were conquered by Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna including the Empire Day, and the kingdom of Bone, although there is mention that Bone conquered by Tunipalangga
Tunipalangga remembered for a number of achievements, such as those mentioned in the Chronicle (The story of the predecessor) Gowa, including:

1. Conquered and made ​​subordinate Bajeng, Lengkese, Polombangkeng, LAMURU, Soppeng, many small countries behind the Maros, Wajo, Suppa, Sawitto, Alitta, Duri, Panaikang, Bulukumba and other countries in the south, and mountainous areas in the south.
2. First person who brings people Sawitto, Suppa and Bacukiki to Gowa.
3. Creating Tumakkajananngang position.
4. Creating positions to handle internal administrative Tumailalang kingdom, so take care Syahbandar trade freely with outsiders.
5. Establish formal system weight and size measurements
6. First set up the cannon are placed in large fortresses.
7. The first government of Makassar when people start making bullets, mixing gold with other metals, and making bricks.
8. First time making a brick wall surrounding the settlement of Gowa and Sombaopu.
9. The first ruler who was visited by a stranger (Malays) under Anakhoda Bonang to request a residence in Makassar.
10. The first makes a big shield to be smaller, shortening the shaft (batakang), and making bullets Palembang.
11. The first ruler who asked for more power from the people.
12. Composer intelligent tactics of war, a hard worker, a resource person, rich and very brave.
The kings of the Sultanate of Gowa
# Tumanurunga (+ 1300) 
# Tumassalangga Baraya 
# Puang Loe Lembang# I Tuniatabanri 
# Karampang ri Gowa 
# Tunatangka Lopi (+ 1400)
 # Batara ri Gowa Tuminanga Paralakkenna
 # Pakere Tau ri Tunijallo Passukki 
# Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna (early 16th century)# I Manriwagau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiyung Tunipallangga Ulaweng (1546-1565)# I Tajibarani Daeng Marompa Karaeng Tunibatte Data# I Manggorai Daeng Mameta Karaeng Bontolangkasa Tunijallo (1565-1590).# I Tepukaraeng Daeng Parabbung Pasulu Tuni (1593).# I Mangari Daeng ri Manrabbia Sultan Alauddin Tuminanga GaukannaPower beginning in 1593 - died on June 15, 1639. Gowa is the first ruler who embraced Islam. [1]# I Mannuntungi Lakiyung Sultan Daeng Mattola Karaeng Malikussaid Tuminanga ri Papang BatunaBorn December 11, 1605, came to power in 1639 until the death of 6 November 1653# I Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape Sultan Hasanuddin Tuminanga Balla'pangkana riBorn June 12, 1631, came to power in 1653 until 1669, and died on June 12, 1670# I Mappasomba Nguraga Sultan Daeng Amir Hamzah Tuminanga Allu ri 'Born March 31, 1656, came to power in 1669 until 1674, and died May 7, 1681.
1. I Mallawakkang Daeng ri Mattinri Karaeng Kanjilo Tuminanga Passiringanna
# Sultan Mohammad Ali (Karaeng Bisei) Tumenanga ri JakattaraBorn 29 November 1654, came to power in 1674 to 1677, and died August 15, 1681# I Mappadulu Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil Tuminanga Lakiyung ri. (1677-1709)# La Pareppa Tosappe Sultan Ismail Wali Tuminanga ri Somba Opu (1709-1711)# I Mappaurangi Sultan Sirajuddin Tuminang Pasi ri# I Manrabbia Sultan Najamuddin# I Mappaurangi Sultan Sirajuddin Tuminang ri Pasi. (Appointed for the second time in 1735)# I Mallawagau Sultan Abdul Chair (1735-1742)# I Mappibabasa Sultan Abdul Holy (1742-1753)# Amas Madina Batara Gowa (exiled by the Dutch to Sri Lanka) (1747-1795)# I Mallisujawa Daeng ri Riboko Arungmampu Tuminanga Tompobalang (1767-1769)# I Temmassongeng Karaeng Katanka Sultan Zainuddin Tuminanga ri Mattanging (1770-1778)# I Manawari Karaeng Bontolangkasa (1778-1810)# I Mappatunru / I Mangijarang Karaeng Lembang Parang Tuminang ri Katangka (1816-1825)# La Oddanriu Karaeng Katangka Tuminanga ri Suangga (1825-1826)# I Kumala Karaeng Lembang Parang Sultan Abdul Kadir Mohammad Aidid Tuminanga Kakuasanna ri (1826 - died January 30, 1893)# I Malingkaan Daeng Nyonri Karaeng Katangka Tuminanga ri Kalabbiranna Sultan Idris (1893 - died May 18, 1895)# I Makkulau Daeng Serang Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan Husain Tuminang ri Bundu'na
Kingdom in Sulawesi
North Sulawesi: Bolaang Mongondow · Bolangitang · Gorontalo · Siau
Central Sulawesi:
Banawa · Banggai · Mori · Bungku · Buol · Dolo · Kulawi · Moutong · Napu · Hammer · Parigi · Poso · Sigi · Tawaili · · Toli-Toli Tojo Una-Una ·
South Sulawesi: Bone · Gowa · Luwu · Soppeng · Wajo
Southeast Sulawesi: Buton · Kendari

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Here are examples of (tasteless rich school exam time) the thing done by some type of person who becomes a habit because of the power & level of effectiveness.

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Being proactive is more than just take the initiative.
Being proactive means responsible for our own behavior (in the past, in the present, as well as in future), and make choices based on the principles and values rather than on mood or circumstance. Proactive people are actors change and choose not to become victims, to not be reactive, to not blame others. They do this by developing and uses four unique human gift of self awareness, conscience, power imagination, and free will and by using the approach of In to Outside to create change. They were determined to be the creative driving force in their own lives, which is the most fundamental decisions to be taken every person.
Habit 2: Referring to the End
Everything is created twice first mentally, physically second. Individuals, family, team and organization, shaping its future each with prior created a vision and objectives of each project mentally. They are not live life day after day without clear goals in their minds. Mentally they identified the principles, values, relationships, and objectives are most important to their own and make a commitment with yourself to carry it out. A mission statement is to form  The highest of the mental creation, which can be prepared by an individual, family, or organization. This mission statement is a major decision, because the underlying other decisions. Creating a common culture of the mission, vision, and values, is the essence of leadership. 

Habit 3: Put First Things First
Putting the main one is the creation of both a physical. Putting The main means to organize and carry out, what has been created mentally (your goals, your vision, your values, and your priorities). Secondary things do not come first. The main things are not dikebelakangkan. Individuals and organizations to focus attention on what is most important, whether urgent or not. The point is to make sure the main thing Placed .  

Habit 4: Think Win / Win
Think win / win is a way of thinking that seek to achieve gains together, and based on mutual respect in all interactions. Thinking win / win is based on the abundance of cake that forever enough, opportunities, wealth and resources are abundant than in the scarcity and competition. Thinking win-win means not thinking selfishly (Win / lose) or think like a martyr (lose / win). In working life and family, its members think are mutually dependent with istilahkita, instead of me. Think win / win pushed the completion conflicts and help each individual to seek solutions samasama profitable. Think win / win means a variety of information, power, recognition, and rewards

 Habit 5: Seek to Understand What Ever Be Understood
If we listen carefully, to understand others, rather than to respond, we begin true communication and relationship building. If others feel understood, they feel affirmed and valued, will open up, so that the opportunity to speak openly and be understood to occur more naturally and easy. Trying to understand it requires generosity; struggling to understand demand courage. Effectiveness lies in balancing between the two.

Habit 6: Realize Synergies
Synergy is about producing a third alternative is not my way, not your way, but the third one better than the way each of us. Synergy is the fruit of mutual respect and understanding attitude even exploit the differences that exist in addressing the problem, utilizing opportunities. The teams and families that synergistically exploit their respective strengths individual so that the whole is greater than the total number of bagianbagiannya. relationships and teams like this aside mutual harm (1 + 1 = 1 / 2). They are not satisfied with the compromise (1 + 1 = 1 1 / 2), or mere cooperation (1 + 1 = 2). Rather, they sought a creative collaboration (1 + 1 = 3 or more).

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Sharpening the saw is about constantly renewing ourselves in the four areas basis of life: physical, social / emotional, mental, and spiritual. Habit is what enhance our capacity to implement other effective habits. For an organization, Habit 7 promote vision, renewal, improving continuously, awareness of fatigue or deterioration of morals, and positioning organization in the way of new growth. For a family, custom 7 improve the effectiveness of activities through personal and family Periodically, such as forming the traditions that stimulate the spirit of renewal family.

Translated from original post

Friday, September 16, 2011

Origins of World Time System

Have you ever wondered why in one day has 24 hours, in 1 minute, 60 seconds, and there are 60 seconds in 1 minute? Here are the answers

Numbering system most widely used by humans today is the decimal system, namely a base 10 number system. However, to measure time we use duodesimal system (base 12) and sexadesimal (base 60). This is because the method to divide the day derived from the number system used by the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. In about 1500 BC, ancient Egyptians use the number system based on 12, and they developed a system sundial shaped like the letter T is placed on the ground and divide their time between sunrise and sunset into 12 parts.

Historians argue, the ancient Egyptians use number-based system will be based 12 months a year the number of cycles can also be based or will the large number of human finger joint (3 in each finger, excluding the thumb) which allows them count to 12 using the thumb.

Sundials next generation already represents more or less what we now call the "clock". While the division of the night into 12 parts, based on observations of ancient Egyptian astronomers will be the 12 stars in the sky at night.

By dividing one day and one night into each 12 hours, then with an indirect 24-hour concept is introduced. However, the long days and long nights are not the same, depending on the season (eg summer days longer than nights). Therefore, the distribution of hours in a day varies according to season. Time system is called the system time seasonal. In the years around 147-127 BC, a Greek astronomer named Hipparchus suggested that the number of hours in the day made it still as many as 24 hours, called the equinoctial time system. But the new system is now widely accepted by the discovery of mechanical clocks in Europe in the 14th century.


Eratosthenes (276-194 BC), a Greek astronomer divide a circle into 60 parts to create a system of geographic latitude. This technique is based on 60-based systems used by the Babylonians who settled in Mesopotamia, which if traced further derived from the system used by the Sumerian civilization around 2000 BC. It is not known with certainty why use a 60 based number system, but one conjecture to say for ease of calculation because the number 60 is the smallest number that can be divided up by 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30.


A century later, Hipparchus introduced a system of longitude 360 ​​degrees. And in about 130 AD, Claudius Ptolemy divides each degree into 60 parts. The first part is called the partes minutae primae which means the first minute, the second part is called partes minutae secundae or the second minute, and so on. Although there are 60 sections, which used only the first two parts of the course where the first part of a minute, and the second to second. While the remaining 58 are other parts to form a smaller unit of time than the second.
This time the system takes centuries to widespread use. Even at first clock that displays minutes made the first time in the 16th century. This time the system used today by our modern humans.

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Sleep Walking


Sleepwalking is also known as somnabulisme, is a disorder that causes people to get up and running when she was sleeping. The most commonly occurs in children between the ages of 8 and 12 years. Sleepwalking does not indicate a serious health problem or require treatment.

However, sleepwalking may occur at any age and can cause even dangerous behavior, such as climbing out a window or urinate in the closet or garbage cans.


Sleepwalking is classified as a parasomnia, a behavior or undesirable experience during sleep. Someone who experience sleepwalking may experience:

     Sitting on the bed and opened his eyes
     Have expressive eyes glazed or glazed
     Roam around the house, maybe open and close doors and turn lights on or off
     Perform routine activities, such as dressing or make a snack, even driving a car
     Talking or moving awkwardly
     Scream, especially if also having nightmares
     Difficult awakened when sleepwalking episodes occur

Sleepwalking usually occurs during deep sleep early in the evening, usually one to two hours after falling asleep. People who do not sleepwalking sleepwalking episodes will remember her in the morning. Sleepwalking is common in children and usually gets lost when a teenager due to a decreased amount of deep sleep.

Many factors can contribute to sleepwalking include:

     Lack of sleep
     Drugs, such as zolpidem (Ambien)

Sleepwalking is sometimes associated with underlying conditions that affect sleep such as: [list] [*] Seizure disorders [*] respiratory disorders, a disorder characterized by abnormal breathing patterns during sleep, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea [*] Restless Leg syndrome (RLS) [*] Migraine [*] Stroke [*] Head injuries or brain swelling [*] Period premenstrual

In other cases, the use of alcohol, illegal drugs or certain medications including some antibiotics, antihistamines, sedatives and sleeping pills can trigger a sleepwalking episode.

Treatments and drugs

Usually no treatment is required to sleepwalking. If you see your child or another person sleepwalking at home, guide him back to bed gently.

Actually not dangerous if aroused, but can be annoying. He may find himself confused when I woke up not in bed. Treatment for adults can use hypnosis. Although rare, sleepwalking can result from medications, so treatment with medication may be needed.

If sleepwalking leads to excessive daytime sleepiness or pose a risk of serious injury, the doctor may recommend treatment. The use of benzodiazepines or certain antidepressants in the short term can stop sleepwalking episodes. If sleepwalking is associated with medical or mental health condition, treatment directed at the underlying problem.

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