
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 Embarrassing Disease

1. Excessive sweat

Levels including being ashamed, because it can be associated with body odor and are reluctant to seek help. causes could be due to excessive production of sweat glands, stress or thyroid too aktive.  can cope with relaxation exercises to control the tension or use a strong deodorant with antiperspirant. Nothing wrong to call the doctor and do blood tests to find out there is a thyroid problem or not ..

2. Hemorrhoids

Levels of shame is, because it could make someone uncomfortable to move. The reason for the widening of the veins in the anus or rectum. The disease is usually cause itching, pain and discomfort when sitting. If it still can be treated early with some motion exercises, exercise or eating lots of vegetables, but if it's bad to do surgery.

3. Foot Odor

High levels of shame, because it deals with the nasty personal habits. The cause could be a combination of sweaty feet with a lack of hygiene, use of inappropriate shoes or an infection. How to cope with change socks every day, diligently cleaning the feet and wash their shoes regularly.

4. Excess hair in women

Very high levels of shame, for fear of being branded like a male. The cause of the growth of unwanted hair is often due to hereditary factors, diseases that exist in body or side effects of a drug.
The fix can do waxing, shaving, cream hair thresher, laser treatment or electrolysis. If the problem is caused by hormonal factors, then there is no harm if the requested medical assistance.

5. Breasts in men (gynecomastia)

High levels of shame, because this usually occurs in women. The cause breast growth in males is due to a disturbance in the hormones testosterone and estrogen. This disorder causes the nipples become sore, swollen breasts or both. In some cases may disappear by itself, but there is also a permanent and require medical assistance.

6. Erectile dysfunction

Currently the level of embarrassment was lower than before. Possible causes are circulatory problems, depression, diabetes, alcohol consumption, drug side effects or psychosexual problems. But usually not found a specific cause.

If you want to handle it by yourself try to reduce alcohol, stopping smoking, exercising regularly and avoiding the use of Viagra is sold freely. If no progress is made, it could not hurt to consult with an expert to know the cause.

7. Snore

These health problems have a high level of embarrassment, and often make a person less sleep. The causes can vary as abnormalities in the jaw and throat anatomy, because sleeping on your back or it could be due to polyps in the nose.

This problem could be one of the early symptoms of respiratory problems at night. Premises should consult your doctor if this continues and has been very disturbing bedtime.

8. Baldness in men

high levels of shame, because it can lower self-confidence. The cause is probably due to genetic factors or age is increasing.

The fix could be using drugs hair grower, but this way is not effective for everyone. If baldness experienced sat still young, you should ask for medical help to overcome such as the provision of drugs such as minoxidil.

9. Anal itching

High levels of shame, because it can make a person become awkward and lose trust him. Itching started as a normal course, but if left untreated would worsen. Sometimes this is caused by an infection or skin problems like eczema. Try to live a clean lifestyle.If hygiene measures do not help, you should consult with your doctor to find out what the cause and prescribe creams effective and harmless.

10. Mouth

High levels of shame, because it can be associated with self-confidence. The reason could be because of the holes in the teeth, food scraps are left, tartar or it could be due to an illness in the body. The fix can brush your teeth regularly, using a cleaning fluid to clean the mouth or teeth diligently to the experts.

The world's largest diamond holes

Is this a big hole marks the fall of an asteroid in ancient times? Or, the former landing of alien spacecraft? Ups instead. This hole is a hole in the world's largest diamond!

1. Why is diamond holes?

This hole former diamond mining. Once the world's largest diamond mine. Now the mine is closed. So it is no longer the world's largest diamond mine. But the predicate to be the biggest hole in the world. Diamond holes are located in Mirny, Sakha republic, Russia. 1250 meters in diameter. The depth of 525 meters. 

2. How to create a hole that big?

The miners use dynamite jet engines. If a dump truck up from the ground up that hole took 2 hours! A very large dump truck also looks like an ant in the hole. Helicopter must not fly over it so as not sucked into the hole, because anginya very fast from the hole.  

The mine was first discovered by a geologist named Yuri Kharbadin. Was opened to mining in 1957. Minry Mine is the first mine in Russia. While still active, atambang minry produced 2 million carats of diamonds annually. After 50 years operate, tambag minri closed on 30 April 2004. The temperature in the hole around-45C to-56C. Brrrrr ..! cool banget! Moreover, the cold season is the miners faced many problems.  

For example, tires truck freezes so broken. Fuel freeze into solid blocks. Tools of the metal becomes brittle so easily broken. After the winter ice melts, so the mine becomes a pool of mud!
Mine minri mystery. Diamond mine produced continuously in large quantities. In addition berlianya same size and shape. Served until today, the mystery was not solved. Now minry diamond holes to be one of the things that attract tourists to the city while on vacation minry, Russia. 


10 Benefits Of Discipline for Children

1. Growing sensitivity.

A son grow into a sensitive / sentimental and trust in others. Attitudes like this will allow him to express feelings to others, including His parents. As a result, the child will easily go into other people's feelings as well.

2. Growing concern.

Children become aware of the needs and interests of others. Discipline makes the child have integrity, besides being able to take responsibility, able to solve the problem well and easy to learn something.

3. Teach regularity.

Children have become a regular pattern of life and able to manage his time well.

4. Cultivate peace.

Research shows that babies calm / rarely cries were more able to notice the surroundings as well. In the next stage, he can quickly interact with others.

5. Cultivate an attitude of confidence.

This attitude grew when the child was entrusted to do something he could do yourself.

6. Cultivate self-reliance.

With the independence the child can be counted on to meet the needs of her own. Children also can explore the environment very well. Discipline is guidance on children to be able to determine a wise choice.

7. Growing familiarity.

Children quickly become familiar and friendly to others, because of its ability to adapt more honed.

8. Help brain development.

In the first 3 years of age, a child's brain growth is very rapid. At this age, he became the copycat behavior that is very good. If he is able to absorb the discipline that exemplified his parents, then the discipline early on will form positive habits and attitudes.

9. Helping children who "difficult", ie a hyperactive child, delayed development, or temper tantrums.

Now, with discipline, then the child with special needs they will be able to live better.

10. Foster compliance.

Concrete results of the application of discipline is obedience. Children will obey the rules that applied to the parents on the basis of their own accord.


10 Tips Personal Well Being Attractive Heart

The keywords must be considered in dealing with others is self-esteem. Once the importance of self-esteem, so that not a few people who risked their lives to defend his pride. To become a personal favorite, must continue to learn to satisfy self-esteem of others. Due to the self-satisfied prices, people can become better, more enjoyable, and more friendly.

Praise is like fresh water that can offer the human thirst for appreciation. And if you're always ready to distribute fresh water to others, you are in a strategic position to be liked by others. The trick? Open your eyes wide to always see the good in the attitudes and actions of others. Then praise sincerely.

Bring your attitude and words that you think other people are important. For example, do not let other people wait too long, say sorry when wrong, stick to the promise, and so on.

If talk is silver and silence is golden, then a good listener is more noble than both. A good listener is a person who needed and loved by everyone. Give chance to others to talk, ask questions and make him eager to keep talking. Listen with enthusiasm, and do not judge or advise if not requested.

4. Try to name the person ALWAYS RIGHT
The name is a valuable property that is very personal. Most people do not like it when his name incorrectly or carelessly. When in doubt, ask how to pronounce and write the name correctly. For example, people who are called Wilyem was written William, or Wilhelm? While talking, call his name as often as possible. Andre calls better than you. Sir Peter sounded better than just you.

Everyone was happy when treated kindly. Friendliness make others feel welcome and appreciated. Friendliness makes people feel comfortable around you.

6. Be Generous
You will not be poor due to give and not to be deprived of due share. A very wise man once wrote: People who generously do good to himself. As such generosity on the one side is good for you, and on the other hand is useful for others.

7. AVOID Criticizing HABITS, OR denounced underestimate 

Most people do not like it when his weakness known by others, especially humiliated. All of that attack directly to the center of self-esteem and can make people defend themselves with unfriendly.  

8. BE Assertive
People who liked not the ones who always say yes, but who can say no when necessary. From time to time may be opposite principles or your opinions with others. You do not have to conform or to force them to adjust to you. Do not be afraid to differ with others. The important distinction that does not lead to conflict, but the cause of mutual understanding. Assertiveness is always more appreciated dibanndingkan Yesman attitude.

Any treatment that you want from other people who can pleasing, that you have to lakukuan first. You must take the initiative to start it. For example, if you want attention, start paying attention. If you want to be appreciated, begin to respect others.

Loving yourself means accepting yourself what it is, likes and do whatever is best for yourself. This contrasts with a mean selfish selfish or egocentric, which means self-centered. The more you like yourself, the easier you like the others, the greater your chances for preferred someone else. By accepting and liking yourself, you will easily adapt to other people, received them with all its flaws and limitations, in cooperation with them and liked them. At the same without you realizing it radiates personal charm that can make others like you.


Sleep Apnea, Sleep Disorders Rarely Known People

What is Sleep Apnea?

 Apnea is pause of breath during sleep. Apnea occurs when your airway is closed so that no air reaching the lungs. Cycle of sleep apnea can be explained as follows:

First, you can sleep quietly and breathe normally. The air in your airways to flow easily into the lungs. Then, you start to snore loudly. This is a sign that your airway partially blocked. Partially blocked breathing difficulties mean air into your lungs. Next, your airways are fully closed. No air reaching the lungs. Your brain tells you to breathe as usual, but you can not breathe because your airways closed. This is called apnea. After a pause 10-30 seconds or more, your brain realizes you have not breathe, then you will awake suddenly to take a breath. You take a breath in the air and began to sleep again.

This cycle may continue throughout the night: you are breathing calmly, your snoring, you have breathing pauses, you wake up gasping, and you begin to breathe again. Many people who have dozens or hundreds of events overnight sleep apnea. This means tens or hundreds of times a sleep disorder. You can not get the sleep you need to be healthy.

  1. Your throat muscles are too relaxed (loose), so cover your airways
  2. Fatty tissue covering the tongue or your airways
  3. You have a narrow airway. 
  1. You are very sleepy during the day, but you do not know why.
  2. You snore and stop breathing during sleep
As a result of sleep apnea
Sleeping sickness can cause health problems, accidents, and premature death if not treated immediately.

A person suffering from sleep apnea at risk for cardiovascular disease. Respiratory problems that often occur at night creating a shortage of oxygen that can damage the brain, heart and other organs.
Because not enough sleep, the body often needs extra carbohydrates. People with sleep apnea will then eat a lot so it tends to be heavier. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases.

People with sleep apnea feel sleepy, always tired, headaches, difficulty concentrating and memory loss during the day because the body and brain not getting enough sleep. This can be at risk of accidents when a person operating machinery or vehicles.
This disease can cause sudden death because the heart suddenly stops.

Risk factors
  1. Men.
  2. Older than 40 years.
  3. Obesity
  4. Have: great neck / thick, large tongue, large tonsils, chin folded into, small throat, sleep apnea or family. 

Sleep apnea is not a cure. People who have mild sleep apnea can be helped with weight loss, dental or tonsillectomy (if the cause is enlarged tonsils).

The most effective treatment for patients with severe apnea (which has more than 30 times the breathing pauses per hour) is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure / CPAP. It is a device with a nasal mask connected to a generator engine air flow. Of engine generators, air is pumped through the nose or mouth to ensure that the airway is always open throughout the night. Sleeping with a CPAP is not fun, but it was the only treatment that can often save lives.



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