
Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is the First Human Heart Disease

A daughter from Egypt who lived about 3,500 years ago is estimated to be the first person known to have heart. The doctors believed that if the daughter was living inmodern times he would get a heart bypass surgery (heart bypass).

In a scan of the mummy of the princess found the blockage in blood vessels leading tothe heart, brain, stomach and legs. The scientists who say the case shows heart disease already exist before the modern lifestyle.

Scientists at the heart of America in cooperation with a team from the University of AlAzhar in Cairo, Egypt, analyzes the 52 mummies, including the mummy of the princess.The mummy was scanned (scan) the entire body at the National Museum of Antiguities,Cairo. The result of hardening of the arteries was found in half of the scanned mummy.

Princess Ahmose-Meryet-Amon, the mummy of heart disease, derived from the famousEgyptian family. He lived in luxury around the year 1580 BC and died at the age of 40years.

Dr.Gregory Thomas of the University of California, said at the time of Princess Ahmoselife there is no gas or electricity, so it is assumed he has an active lifestyle.

"A diet they are also healthier than modern man. In those days they eat more fruits andvegetables and fish are found in the river Nile. Also farming organically processed oilsand no trans fat and cigarettes," he said.

However, Thomas said, it still happens blockage of blood vessels. "This proves there isa missing link in heart disease risk factors, something that has not been revealed," he said.

He added that Egyptian mummies show that heart disease can be a part of human life."Although we've been doing everything to prevent heart disease, but at one point we should not blame yourself if it turns out we still need heart surgery," he said.

Characteristics of Early Heart Disease

baseline characteristics of people who suffer from heart disease are highly variable,depending on what he experienced heart disease. It is true, chest pain, such aspunctured, it could be a characteristic of heart disease if that meant is acute coronaryheart attacks.

However, not everywhere in the chest area can be considered as an acute heart attack.Obviously there are certain places and often times not only taste like punctured.Symptoms can also be accompanied by a sense that spread to the arms, back,accompanied by cold sweat, feeling depressed pounding like heavy objects, andseveral other symptoms.

At the heart disease caused by heart failure of different character, even so there was nochest pain at all and can be dominated by a sense of shortness of breath, can not sleepon your back, legs swollen, not strong to walk away, and many more.

In addition, there are still many other diseases that could have not caused heart problems, but give symptoms like heart disease. Chest muscle pain can cause such 

Wedding Make Less Happy Heart languish

The body is an expert to translate the state of mind. When you're depressed andstressed when facing a big problem in the marriage, the body too miserable.Relationships are just filled with quarrels, anger and sadness can have a negative impact on the health of the body.

Less harmonious relationship that can make your heart problems. According to 2000research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, womenwho are not happy in perkimpoiannya 2.9 times more likely to need heart surgery,suffered a heart attack or die of heart disease.

Factors less happy was even greater than other heart disease risk factors such as age,smoking, diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol levels.

This is not just occur in married women. Women who are single but also not happy withhis girlfriend also has the same risk of illness.

Other researchers writing in the American Journal of Cardiologi in 2006 also revealed a link between happiness relationship with chronic diseases such as heart failure.

In a study that found patients suffering from severe heart disease and also had an unhappy marriage is usually not able to survive more than 4 years

Types of Heart Abnormalities
Cardiac Abnormalities Type:

There are a lot of heart abnormalities, there may be dozens of kinds. Several cases of cardiac abnormality that we have encountered: ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) leak at the top, VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) leak at the bottom, PDA (patent ductus arteriosus), TOF, blood vessel upside down, and others. In fact many cases, an experienced some abnormalities. Our team never found a girl aged about 2 years, with 7 abnormalities.The child had surgery and is now growing up healthy. So if your baby has been convicted of congenital heart defects, the world has not doomsday. You are not alone.And do not worry, the chance to live a normal life is wide open, long handled properly.

Common Symptoms of Heart Abnormalities VSD:
01. Weight loss is difficult ride
02. Drinking milk and just a little tired
03. Often fever (disease susceptible)

In children with congenital heart defects, some have blue signs (shown blue on the nails) but some are not accompanied by the blue. A patient with congenital heart abnormalities characteristic blue color on the nails of fingers and toes, encouraging changes after surgery. The color of meat (under the nail) began to change into bright colors (red like normal people) a few days after surgery.

Advice For Patients Infants Congenital Heart Abnormalities:
When given to drink milk, infant patients with congenital heart defects easily tired. Drink only a little. It is recommended not to give milk straight from the bottle but with a spoon or it could be with a pipette (a tool for the dripping the drug into the baby's mouth.) So baby can drink more without having a lot of energy drain while sucking milk from a bottle.

Causes of Congenital Heart Abnormalities:
From the information we got, cause of congenital heart defects may be of genetic factors (derived), the influence of drink a lot of antibiotics or other drugs during pregnancy, food (food that a lot of preservatives and artificial color), pollution, and factor X (which until now not yet known).

Some elderly patients (exactly mother), said that during pregnancy the baby (baby who has congenital heart defects), they did not experience much disruption. They are rarely sick, eat better (less nausea or vomiting), take vitamins during pregnancy is more industrious than her sister. If say hereditary factors, in my family and my husband no one experiencing the same thing. If you have this, the cause is the factor X.

One new info we got from our colleagues, whose children also had congenital heart abnormalities. According to doctor's diagnosis, congenital heart defects in children is caused when pregnant mothers exposed to Rubella virus. Hence, parents of baby (father or mother), it is recommended to maintain health. Special prospective mother, rutinlah perform antenatal care.

Balancing Left & Right Brain Boost Child Intelligence

Face it, the older the age when our memories tend to increasingly lose sharpness. Webegin to forget things, like names of people, forget to put something or we have to dothe job. But old does not mean your brain is also becoming increasingly blunt. For brainand memory can always be honed even stay sharp, here are some tips:


Your left brain is working to regulate the ability in reasoning, language, writing, logic andarithmetic. Left-brain memory are short term (short term memory). If there is damage tothe left brain, there will be disruption in terms of functions of speech, language andmathematics. To maintain the capacity of your left brain, try to learn a new language ordo puzzles games.


Right brain function is to handle the process of human creative thinking. Usual right brainidentified about creativity, imagination, shape or space, emotion, and color.

Their memories are long right brain (long term memory). The way it works is not well structured and tend not to think about things that are too detailed. If there is damage tothe right brain in diseases such as stroke or brain tumor, then the disturbed brainfunction is the ability of visual and emotional. To maintain the sharpness of your right brain practice singing or making handicrafts.


Train Memory capacity
You remember as a kid, a lot of things you should know by heart. The sharpness of your memory will increase if you always train memory skills.

Participate in social activities
Having a solid schedule of social activities which are believed to make the brain workmore actively and to reduce deterioration of the brain.

In addition to genetic factors, ability and intelligence of a child can be trained and taughtin a way to do the activation in the right brain. Generally, the participants who could be taught by several instructors ranging in age from 4 to 12 years. Next try doing someactivities with your eyes closed. The kids and even then engaged in various activitiesranging from reading and guess the number. All were obtained through focused training.

In addition to training the right brain to the brain's ability, motivation is beneficial forchildren to generate self-potential and positive character in the child. Currently, a number of activities are offered which aim to improve the ability of children with a variety of methods. In addition to that offered a variety of ways, most important, of course,attention and guidance of the parents of the children themselves.

Communities often assess IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is equated with intelligence or skill.In fact, IQ only measures a fraction of the skill.

"It was a bright child is a child who can react in a logical and useful to what isexperienced in the neighborhood,"said Eileen Rachman, a psychologist who is alsoDirector of EXPERD, a human resources consultant at the seminar 10 Ways to SharpenIQ and EQ (emotional quotient) Child , in Jakarta.

Eileen explained that IQ is a number that is used to describe the thinking person'scapacity as compared with the average of others. In general, the average IQ was 100.

"IQ is only used among others, imagined space, see the environment around coherentlyand find the relationship between one form and other forms. But IQ does not measurecreativity, social skills, and wisdom, "he said.

Meanwhile, the intelligence of children seen from the understanding and awareness ofwhat they experienced. Later on in his mind, the experience was transformed into wordsor numbers. Therefore, Eileen emphasizes the importance of understanding. "Becauseunderstanding is a combination of efforts to increase the input through the senses andthe knowledge they have,"explained Eileen.

How to optimize your child's intelligence? Eileen suggested that parents enhancelearning, reading, and repeat. For example, to introduce how to read, the mother helpsthe child by making a line under words that are important, ask your child to read aloudand explain the meaning of reading.



In addition, parents are also introducing the strategy, making rational decisions,sparked the idea as smoothly as possible, mindmapping, increase vocabulary, thinkingas he imagined, humor, critical thinking, and play. The goal to balance the left and rightbrain work, because the structure of the left and right brain hemispheres have different tasks.

Why need to balance the left and right brain work? Eileen said that the child can readfluently with full comprehension, creative writing, spelling, remembering, listening,thinking while at the same or become the champion in a particular sport. All it takes left and right brain coordination with both well trained.

But to balance the left and right brain work can also be through customs. Eileenexplained, for example by enjoying art, color, space and shape, value creativity andappreciate the sentiment.

Meanwhile, Dr. Andre Meaza said that during early childhood is the golden period toperform an active process through the process of sensory stimulation for the purpose offorming wiring system. "Stages of early life stages of the child are important becausechildren are able to receive skills and teaching as a basis of knowledge and thought processes."

Andrew also explained, half the child's intellectual development took place prior toentering the age of 4 years. Precisely 17 years of age cognitive development is acumulative development of the child is born.

According to Andre, 0-4 year olds have the cognitive development of 50%, 30% 4-8 years and 9-17 years at 20%. "It's brain development before age 1 year early, but thematuration of the brain take place after the child is born," he said.
He warned that the influence of early environment on brain development will impact long.Therefore, children who have good environmental stimulation, brain function will develop better.



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