
Friday, June 24, 2011

There are Elephant Man-eaters in India

Humans are not prey of elephant and tiger, but in the Sundarban islands of the west Bengal, India, the people were attacked by both of these animals, and even eaten.

Normally, the elephants only attack plants and residential population, even in other parts of the world's elephants were reported killed approximately 200 people last year. But strangely, elephants are supposed to eat this plant is reported to eat humans.

Reports of any man-eating animals in India increased. Last year it was reported that 14 people died eaten by a tiger.

"Tiger is not man-eaters. This is an anomaly that makes the animals decided to eat humans," says zoologist Dave Salmoni, as reported by ABC News on Monday (2/21/2011).

Experts believe that the problems of environment was causing this problem and with the rapid human population growth in the region which ultimately reduces the amount of food intake of the animals, so that eventually makes the population who become prey.

The number of people who open up new lands in the Sundarbans forest is also expected to be the cause of breaking boundaries for the tiger and the elephant.


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