
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 Embarrassing Disease

1. Excessive sweat

Levels including being ashamed, because it can be associated with body odor and are reluctant to seek help. causes could be due to excessive production of sweat glands, stress or thyroid too aktive.  can cope with relaxation exercises to control the tension or use a strong deodorant with antiperspirant. Nothing wrong to call the doctor and do blood tests to find out there is a thyroid problem or not ..

2. Hemorrhoids

Levels of shame is, because it could make someone uncomfortable to move. The reason for the widening of the veins in the anus or rectum. The disease is usually cause itching, pain and discomfort when sitting. If it still can be treated early with some motion exercises, exercise or eating lots of vegetables, but if it's bad to do surgery.

3. Foot Odor

High levels of shame, because it deals with the nasty personal habits. The cause could be a combination of sweaty feet with a lack of hygiene, use of inappropriate shoes or an infection. How to cope with change socks every day, diligently cleaning the feet and wash their shoes regularly.

4. Excess hair in women

Very high levels of shame, for fear of being branded like a male. The cause of the growth of unwanted hair is often due to hereditary factors, diseases that exist in body or side effects of a drug.
The fix can do waxing, shaving, cream hair thresher, laser treatment or electrolysis. If the problem is caused by hormonal factors, then there is no harm if the requested medical assistance.

5. Breasts in men (gynecomastia)

High levels of shame, because this usually occurs in women. The cause breast growth in males is due to a disturbance in the hormones testosterone and estrogen. This disorder causes the nipples become sore, swollen breasts or both. In some cases may disappear by itself, but there is also a permanent and require medical assistance.

6. Erectile dysfunction

Currently the level of embarrassment was lower than before. Possible causes are circulatory problems, depression, diabetes, alcohol consumption, drug side effects or psychosexual problems. But usually not found a specific cause.

If you want to handle it by yourself try to reduce alcohol, stopping smoking, exercising regularly and avoiding the use of Viagra is sold freely. If no progress is made, it could not hurt to consult with an expert to know the cause.

7. Snore

These health problems have a high level of embarrassment, and often make a person less sleep. The causes can vary as abnormalities in the jaw and throat anatomy, because sleeping on your back or it could be due to polyps in the nose.

This problem could be one of the early symptoms of respiratory problems at night. Premises should consult your doctor if this continues and has been very disturbing bedtime.

8. Baldness in men

high levels of shame, because it can lower self-confidence. The cause is probably due to genetic factors or age is increasing.

The fix could be using drugs hair grower, but this way is not effective for everyone. If baldness experienced sat still young, you should ask for medical help to overcome such as the provision of drugs such as minoxidil.

9. Anal itching

High levels of shame, because it can make a person become awkward and lose trust him. Itching started as a normal course, but if left untreated would worsen. Sometimes this is caused by an infection or skin problems like eczema. Try to live a clean lifestyle.If hygiene measures do not help, you should consult with your doctor to find out what the cause and prescribe creams effective and harmless.

10. Mouth

High levels of shame, because it can be associated with self-confidence. The reason could be because of the holes in the teeth, food scraps are left, tartar or it could be due to an illness in the body. The fix can brush your teeth regularly, using a cleaning fluid to clean the mouth or teeth diligently to the experts.


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