
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Plan for Life Is Important

Planning is crucial in any activity that you would do. No matter what your profession whether businessmen, entrepreneurs, athletes, or student, good planning to be one of the factors that determine success and failure. You make plans not only when you are working on big projects, but simple things like vacations, birthday parties or sporting events, all it takes planning and preparation to achieve maximum results. As the saying goes: by failing to prepare, you're Preparing to fail ... By failing to plan, you're planning to fail.

Here are 10 benefits of having a plan in your life:

1. As a guide in making decisions or acting

This is one of the main purposes why you have to have a plan in life because of plans to give you a guide where to walk towards you. You will also be easier when taking decisions, because you have a handle on life so that your decision does not make you deviate from the goal. Imagine if you do not have a plan, you would like people who get lost because you do not have something that can guide you to your goal. Can you build a building with 20 floors directly to the foundation, without making the design first? No, not you.

2. Knowing the estimated capital needed
With advance planning, you can find out approximately how much capital you need to realize your plans. Without planning, you will find it hard to estimate
your expenses.

3. Makes you have a target
Each plan must have a target that you must accomplish, either per hour, per month or per year and it will bring life to the next level when it was achieved. It would be very sad if you do not have a target in life, because you do not have something to strive for.
4. Helps to stay focused

Sometimes when you work, you will encounter distractions that make you lose focus and run out of track. Well, by having a plan, you can easily return to the right track. The trick is to remind yourself that you have a job that you must complete and targets that you must accomplish in order to plan to run properly.
5. Makes you to stay motivated
The more that you can finish of your plans, make you more motivated to go and a big motivation that will increase your productivity as well. Combine that sense of satisfaction to your success with dreams as wish happy parents and spouses, wanted to have a family that is free of financial problems, or want to travel the world then I guarantee your motive will be more than doubled.
6. Ready for the bad things

Another advantage is that you already have plans to have a preventative measure, anticipatory, and an alternative when your primary plan does not go as you expect. If something bad happens (eg market changes, economic crises, climate change, etc.), you are able to adapt and act according to circumstances. This is important, because in this world that something bad could come anytime in any form. Of course, so you can still survive, you must prepare your plan carefully.
7. Can utilize the time effectively 

Time is something that you can not turn back, so you have to use it effectively. Planning and setting a good timeline will be VERY help to do that because you already know when to do this and that and when to rest. Effective use of time will make you more quickly achieve your life goals.
8. Can use resources effectively

When you work in an environment which is too limited, you will be able to utilize all available resources both capital and human resources optimally. How effectively you utilize the resources you have will determine the outputs / outcomes that you receive. The principle is to spend a little, the result is greater (Spend less, Greater result). With planning, you can do from the start you are heading.
9. Reduce the risk and uncertainty
Of course nothing is certain in this world and the risk is always there when you do something. However, with good planning, you can reduce the chances of bad things happening significantly. Because often, though not the only factor, bad things happen because of lack of planning and preparation.
10. Make you feel better in acting

The lack of planning and preparation, will make you tense and anxious at work. By planning everything in advance, psychologically you will feel more calm because you believe that you're ready.



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