
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

9 How do healthy body and mind in a minute

WE all are concerned about health problems like heart disease or cancer. But sometimes, the effort we do to avoid it is far from expectations.
No need to think complicated, simple and quick things you can do to keep yourself healthy and relaxed. Here, given the Third Age ways to improve your health within 1 minute or less.

 1. Hugging your partner

New research shows that the more you feel comfortable with your partner, then you are giving a greater feeling of relaxation to the body and mind. Feeling comfortable is to be had from hugging each other to make love.
A recent study in Psychosomatic Medicine showed proof. For each time making out, cortisol, a hormone released during stress-reduced body of approximately 7 percent.

2. Eating Chocolate

Still feeling guilty about munching chocolate? No need, because according to a recent study at Northumbria University, UK, rich chocolate flavanols that help increase blood flow to the brain. Chocolate is also rich in flavonoids that help the body repair the damage and fight toxins, improve memory, fight fatigue, and helps the body in the tasks that are challenging mentally.

3. Listen to Music

Next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, pairs of headphones to listen to favorite songs. According to a recent study at the Cleveland Clinic, the music can lower blood pressure and stress levels.

4. Laugh

"Get that stupid screen saver. Rent a funny movie when you get home. Stop thinking about things too seriously!," Says Alice Domar Ph.D., director of the Mind / Body Center for Women's Health at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center .   

5. Brisk walking with a pet dog (for those who have a dog)
Man's best friend is more than just a companion of his life today, but also pets. "Brisk walking or brisk walk around the block your house is a great form of gentle exercise for the legs, also increased serotonin and dopamine, the nerve transmitter that is pleasant and soothing," says Blair Justice, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Texas School of Public Health.

6. Breath Taking In

Improving health and happiness simply by breathing deeply. Breathing benefit digestion process improvement, fitness, and mental health to increase energy and relaxation.

7. Eat An Apple

This nutrient-rich fruit is a major asset to any diet. Apples are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and flavonoids, apples help support heart health, and keep the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body under control.     

8. Smile

According to a recent study at Columbia University, a smile can fight stress. When you feel tense and nervous anxiety attack, take some time to rest and smiling.

"If you can slow the rate of respiration and alter the expression, you can eliminate stress," explains Mark Stibich PhD, consultant at Columbia University.

9. Start Day With Flowers

 While the daily routine can lower energy levels and our views about life even before the weekend arrives, the research shows that flowers be the answer. According to a recent study at Rutgers University, flowers promises longevity, positive effect on energy and mood, it can even reduce depression and anxiety. Looking at the colorful flowers or smell semerbaknya certainly bring a sense of calm. (FTR)

close your eyes and ponder what exactly is our problem, make sure that all doing well





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