
Friday, September 16, 2011

Tips Educating Children Not Overstated

Affection of parents of children there is no limit. But the affection of children does not mean all that is desired by the child must dipernuhi by parents. Parents also should consider what the demand should be met from the child, what should be delayed at other times, and what should not be given.

Without thinking about priorities for the child, what is asked directly given, it is not infrequently the child the longer it will be spoiled. All wishes must be obeyed, whether it is actually beneficial or baseball for them. As a result expenditure is also becoming increasingly unmanageable. To overcome the wasteful behavior in children, consider the following tips:

Before teach-saving behavior in children, parents should set an example for children that is not wasteful or applicable consumptive. However children will imitate what's nearby environment first, including the elderly.

If a child wants a few things at once, ask the child where the goods are urgent for the moment, make the order of priorities. Tell the children that not all desires should be fulfilled at this time, but select items which ditamakan be held for the moment, certainly adjust to the available funds.

Not all the items the child wants must be met. Today many requests by children who should not be obeyed, for example, your child who still buy the HP SD'm seeing classmates bring HP. Parents should be able to explain the goods are not necessary for now, even in fact likely to interfere with learning.

Teach them to manage their own finances. Parents try to give pocket money to children for a period of one week at a time. There children are taught to set their own financial responsibility, and try to cut corners.

Praise your child if you have successfully set up its own finances according to a predetermined time.
Always consistent with existing regulations, do not let Mother limit allowance, but my father actually fulfill any child's desire. Discuss the plan with your partner and your caregivers.

Do not forget, also teach the child to set aside some pocket money for savings, for example to give the goods for unwanted children in the future.

Translated from original post


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