
Saturday, September 17, 2011

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Here are examples of (tasteless rich school exam time) the thing done by some type of person who becomes a habit because of the power & level of effectiveness.

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Being proactive is more than just take the initiative.
Being proactive means responsible for our own behavior (in the past, in the present, as well as in future), and make choices based on the principles and values rather than on mood or circumstance. Proactive people are actors change and choose not to become victims, to not be reactive, to not blame others. They do this by developing and uses four unique human gift of self awareness, conscience, power imagination, and free will and by using the approach of In to Outside to create change. They were determined to be the creative driving force in their own lives, which is the most fundamental decisions to be taken every person.
Habit 2: Referring to the End
Everything is created twice first mentally, physically second. Individuals, family, team and organization, shaping its future each with prior created a vision and objectives of each project mentally. They are not live life day after day without clear goals in their minds. Mentally they identified the principles, values, relationships, and objectives are most important to their own and make a commitment with yourself to carry it out. A mission statement is to form  The highest of the mental creation, which can be prepared by an individual, family, or organization. This mission statement is a major decision, because the underlying other decisions. Creating a common culture of the mission, vision, and values, is the essence of leadership. 

Habit 3: Put First Things First
Putting the main one is the creation of both a physical. Putting The main means to organize and carry out, what has been created mentally (your goals, your vision, your values, and your priorities). Secondary things do not come first. The main things are not dikebelakangkan. Individuals and organizations to focus attention on what is most important, whether urgent or not. The point is to make sure the main thing Placed .  

Habit 4: Think Win / Win
Think win / win is a way of thinking that seek to achieve gains together, and based on mutual respect in all interactions. Thinking win / win is based on the abundance of cake that forever enough, opportunities, wealth and resources are abundant than in the scarcity and competition. Thinking win-win means not thinking selfishly (Win / lose) or think like a martyr (lose / win). In working life and family, its members think are mutually dependent with istilahkita, instead of me. Think win / win pushed the completion conflicts and help each individual to seek solutions samasama profitable. Think win / win means a variety of information, power, recognition, and rewards

 Habit 5: Seek to Understand What Ever Be Understood
If we listen carefully, to understand others, rather than to respond, we begin true communication and relationship building. If others feel understood, they feel affirmed and valued, will open up, so that the opportunity to speak openly and be understood to occur more naturally and easy. Trying to understand it requires generosity; struggling to understand demand courage. Effectiveness lies in balancing between the two.

Habit 6: Realize Synergies
Synergy is about producing a third alternative is not my way, not your way, but the third one better than the way each of us. Synergy is the fruit of mutual respect and understanding attitude even exploit the differences that exist in addressing the problem, utilizing opportunities. The teams and families that synergistically exploit their respective strengths individual so that the whole is greater than the total number of bagianbagiannya. relationships and teams like this aside mutual harm (1 + 1 = 1 / 2). They are not satisfied with the compromise (1 + 1 = 1 1 / 2), or mere cooperation (1 + 1 = 2). Rather, they sought a creative collaboration (1 + 1 = 3 or more).

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Sharpening the saw is about constantly renewing ourselves in the four areas basis of life: physical, social / emotional, mental, and spiritual. Habit is what enhance our capacity to implement other effective habits. For an organization, Habit 7 promote vision, renewal, improving continuously, awareness of fatigue or deterioration of morals, and positioning organization in the way of new growth. For a family, custom 7 improve the effectiveness of activities through personal and family Periodically, such as forming the traditions that stimulate the spirit of renewal family.

Translated from original post


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