
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Compete With Friends By Sportive

"Fellow city buses are prohibited from passing one," used in the glass behind the public bus there's always written that way. I am always intrigued whenever remember that phrase. Why 'fellow city buses', huh? But right jg, because the city's bus unthinkable precede each with a train. Especially with the aircraft. Although it has cut no more writing like that, but the sentence was morbidly morbidly means irrelevant. Especially those of us who bkn city bus driver. Why, why us? Yeah, Because the behavior of 'driving' recklessly we do within navigate the wheel of life is often far more severe than competition between city buses. Just like the city buses that compete with fellow city buses, we are only competing with our neighbors jg. And, the competition we are often given bonuses in the form of envy in the liver.

Competition occurs everywhere. On the political stage. In your neighborhood. At the office. Where only. These days, we've rarely seen a sportive competition. Examples of unsportsmanlike is worst on the political stage full of intrigue. Followed by the competition office is often harmed by dirty maneuvers. On the sports field, occasionally we jg see any stains. Maybe it's time we galakan again the spirit of competitive sportsmanship. For most people it bkn sportsmanship within the context of politics or sports field, but within the competition with a friend in the office. For Agan who are interested to accompany me to learn to compete with friends in a casual office.

Here are some ways to compete with friends in a casual office:

1. Looking for the excess of the competitor

In competition, most people are fond of finding fault with others. In fact, the mistakes of others did not give positive energy for ourselves. Learn to seek advantages and superiority of others. That way we will be more motivated to continue to improve. The essence of a competition not just be 'won' something that is contested, but a 'can do' with something that we achieve it. Once reached, we could be anything. One source of our disappointment to the 'champion' is when we know that after winning the competition, was the champion can not do something we expect. So when we are the champion, others also have the same demands upon us. Only if we truly 'capable' only other people would appreciate the 'victory' we. If not? They will turn to other people all wish we immediately replaced. So look for the advantages possessed by others. And make it a motivation to continue to improve the quality of the self.

2. Holding the hands of the competitors

 On the streets, now we have started seeing a lot of bus coupling. There are two buses that run together. With articulated buses, more passengers could be transported at one time. Less fuel is spent. And more efficient power driver issued. This is a beautiful symbol that we can build synergies with other our competitors. Let us look at the friends who become the strongest competitor in the office. Why do not we just convert that energy to overtake each other with a willingness to collaborate. Guaranteed, the benefits we can contribute to the company will be much better than when we are equally determined to elbow each other. But his position that there is only one contested. Required by the company is not just the ability to beat competitors. But there are soft skills that people possess rare but very important, namely: 'the power to manage others'. When Agan demonstrate the willingness and ability to collaborate with the strongest competitor Agan; then Agan has shown that rare ability.

3. Give a sincere compliment to competitors 
When competing, we are often reluctant to give praise to the opponent. In fact, kudos to effect positive energy for both parties. More than that, we catapult sincere praise for others to invite sympathy parties that have no direct relationship. If I praise you with a sincere heart, then not only you can feel the sincerity me. Other people who see me commend you also feel the same. As a bonus, others that have a positive impression on me. Similarly, if sincere praise or credit points that you are giving to your competitors. And let others know you are doing it. Then in addition you can build a positive emotional relationship with your competitor, then the others are "outside the arena 'will give sympathy to you. What if it only made a compliment of your competitors getting a big head? Good. Because everyone will get to know the real quality. Would not people like the nature of sportsmanship and sincerity?

4. Endorsing the progress of competitors

Scuttle the steps of others? Ah, it's already too we usually find. Besides not dignified behavior, it also did not show any superiority. The quality of leadership someone actually looks from its ability to support the advancement of others. Why should we? Because a leader is all about helping the people we lead advanced more rapidly and develop itself more rapidly. Why do many leaders who are not able to develop his subordinates? Because before they did not learn to be leaders support the advancement of others. So make your closest competitor as a 'student' that you can use to practice developing others. If indeed he is a great competitor, he certainly has talent. So you are guaranteed to be successfully developed. And that is the achievement of leadership that you deserve to celebrate. Then you think again, "aspects of what else can you develop this one from a competitor?" Indirectly, you have forged themselves into a true leader.

5. Adoption of the absolute must-have qualities of a leader

There is one thing that is difficult to understand, but we must accept gracefully. Is it? It is a fact that is getting a promotion at work, not always the most skilled people. Not always the achievement of its highest. For example, people who became Sales Manager is not always the person salesnya highest percentage achieved. Perhaps the only 101% only. This fact often makes those who achieve 110% sales grumpy. Why? Because they do not understand that to lead, it takes a lot of aspects. Not just numbers on paper. Look at the points 1,2,3 and 4 we have just discussed. That is another aspect which is absolutely necessary from a leader. Because leadership is not about mastering the technical aspects alone. But rather an art of managing others, recognize their potensi2, and use it to achieve corporate objectives.

Without realizing it, we often think of friends as a threat. Personal ambitions we often whisper if they can be prohibitive for what we want. From now on, let's change the perspective of its competitors. Help them to become a better person. Help them to be able to produce higher performance. Encourage them to continue to excel. Develop them, because that is the essence kemimpinan should you have in yourself.

It's easy to find people who are ready to compete, but very few people can compete in a sport.

One thing that makes a big difference in your life is to find a new lesson from what far you think you already know all. The realization that nothing is final in this world, that in fact you have to keep learning because you can not possibly know all this was going to open up even greater success in your life.

~ ~ Ralph Lynn

 translated from original post 


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