
Monday, December 12, 2011

Redirecting Children's Hyperactivity

There are two fears concerning the child's mother, autism and hyper active. If children affected by autism, the mother would be very nervous because her son out of focus, tend to be quiet and difficult to adapt. If hyperactive even agitated because his son hard to control. In fact, the average child with autism and hyperactivity have an INCREDIBLE INTELLIGENCE.

Managing hyperactive children do need extraordinary patience, as well as recognition for not always feel tired, for the good of the child. Hyperactive children are always moving, naughty, could not concentrate. Desires must be fulfilled. They also sometimes impulsive or
do things suddenly without any prior thought. This behavior disorder usually occurs in preschoolers basis, or before they were aged 7 years.

1. Check

Not all of the outrageous behavior can be classified as hyperactive. Therefore, you need to increase knowledge about hyperactivity disorder. All you have to do is consult the problems suffered by children to child psychology therapist. This is important because hyperactivity disorder can affect mental and physical health of children, as well as its ability to absorb the lessons and socialize. The goal is to get a clue from the right people about what you can do at home. It is also useful to remove the guilt and improve your attitude so as not to be too demanding child abuse. Here, usually the experts will provide an appropriate drug or a therapy.

2. Understand

To be able to handle hyper active child, there is also a good idea if you and your family members follow parpenting support group and skill training. The goal in order to better understand attitudes and behaviors of children, and what they need, both psychologically, cognitive (intellectual) and physiologically. If the child feels that parents and other family members can understand the desires, feelings, frustration, then this condition will increase the likelihood of a child can grow up like other normal people.

3. Train for Focus

Do not press him, accept the situation. . Treat your child with a warm and patient, but consistent and firm in applying the norms and duties. If children can not stay in one place, try to hold her hands gently, then invite to sit still. Ask your child's eyes when speaking or spoken to. Give directions in a tone that lembuat, without having to shout. This directive is important to train and discipline children concentrate on one job. You have to be consistent. If the requested he's doing something, do not berikandia threat but understanding, which letting him know why you expect him to do that.
4. Examine
If he had been "at home" to sit longer, lead a child to train eye-hand coordination by connecting the dots that make up the numbers or letters. This exercise also aims to improve the way of writing numbers that are not good and wrong. Furthermore, children can be given a practice drawing simple shapes and colors. This exercise is very useful for practicing fine motor skills. Can also be started counting exercises with a variety of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Start with the addition or subtraction with numbers under 10. after that newly introduced concept of the number "0" correctly.
5. Generate Trust Himself
If able, this could also be studied, use of behavior management techniques, such as using positive reinforcement. For example, give praise when the child eats with the orderly or managed to do something right, providing consistent discipline, and always monitor children's behavior. The goal is to improve the child's confidence.

In addition, children can also manage their own behavior with parental guidance. For example, by giving good example to children, and if one day the kids break them, parents remind children about the example of parents who had given previously.
In this stage, keep your emotions are in a stable point, so he knows, the positive reinforcement that does not come over control of anger. Remember, the average hyperactive children are also very sensitive.
6. His interest Identify Direction
If he moves on, do not panic, Include, and note well, where exactly is the purpose of her liveliness. Do not be banned altogether, or he'll prustasi. The most important thing is to recognize the talent or inclination early attention.

That way, you can provide enough space for the child's activity to channel excess energy. For example, include the child on the soccer underage club or swim, so that children learn to socialize and discipline. Children also learn bersosial because he must follow the procedure group.
7. Ask Him Talk
It's very important you apply. Remember, hyperactive children tend to be difficult to communicate and bersosialisai, busy with itself. Because of that, help the child in the social order he learned the values ​​of what is acceptable group. For example doing activities together, so you can teach children how to socialize with friends and the environment. It does take patience and gentleness.

"Developing your child's communication skills takes time. First of all he must be equipped with an attitude of respect, tolerance, mutual understanding and empathy," said Susan Barron, Ph.D., Director of Development and Learning Center Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York in one of his article in Child magazine.
8. Ready shoulder to shoulder
 If he has been able to speak his mind, you can immediately help her realize what she wants. Do not hesitate. If necessary, work with teachers in schools so that teachers understand the actual condition of the child. Ask the teachers do not have to yell, considered a bad boy, or exclude, as it will impact is worse for mental health. Cooperation is also important because children concentrate and absorb tough lesson well. It takes patience and guidance from teachers for hyperactive children.
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