
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Too Much Free Time Not Good for Health

Usually the stress is more often experienced by people who are busy and never had time for a vacation. However, in adolescents, too much free time can also give the same effect for mental health that is causing stress.

For most people, leisure is the best time for 'me-time' alias relax and pamper yourself. Moments like this are very important to unwind, so as not to stress thinking about work or family affairs and friendship for those who are in school.

If it had never taken the time to 'me-time' then the people who are too busy to be susceptible to stress. When conditions in a state mental stress, physical condition weakened so that the body is generally difficult to ward off infections and diseases easily contracted.

But on the contrary, too much free time turns effect is not better than too busy. According to research by experts from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and Baylor University in Texas, too much free time can also trigger stress.

"Which is more pathetic, too little or too much free time? To be happy, it is best to take the middle. Young people just need free time in the right amount," the researchers said as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (21/10 / 2011).

For the teens who live in a materialistic environment (which measures everything by money or materials), then the time will be very valuable. His life will always be a race against time, because time is wasted without doing anything will be a mental burden of its own.

The results of this study did not mention the exact amount of free time are ideal for teens a must-have. Even so, time to say enough and not excessively long been able to reduce the side effects of fatigue both physical and mind.

Translated from original post


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