
Sunday, July 10, 2011

When failure strikes Continue

Many say that failure is success delayed. The problem is what if you get a constant failure? 've tried many times but still did not work as well. Is something wrong or is destined to be a failure?

If you consider that you are destined to be a failure, meaning you knowingly. We do not know what will happen tomorrow, only Allah the Most Knowing, why we are ahead of him?
If you say something wrong ... then your answer is correct. Indeed there is something wrong.

What's mistake and who is wrong?

Failure Come As You Less Trying
You fail, if you quit. Your lack of trying. You can tell already tried 100 times, but could be 1,000 times need to succeed. Perhaps you've been trying for 1 year, you may have to wait 2 years to become successful.
Alpha Thomas Edison do 10,000 times the experiment in finding the light bulb. If he is complaining and stop trying after he tried 100 times, maybe someone else who would be the inventor. A photography expert, should be photographed dozens or even hundreds of times to find the best shots. Everything needs to experiment, repeatedly, until you succeed.

Many people who build businesses, many years experience of loss, and he got lucky in the 3rd year or more. Many stories like this, if I write it will be a separate book. The point is, often times to achieve success, require a long time.

If you stop, it means you are choosing to fail. Or failure comes when you stop trying.

Failure To Those Who No Patience
Because success is a long journey, which requires a trial many times, even thousands of times. That need to travel a long time, so to succeed we need patience. Success is only for those who are steadfast on the right path. They continue to do the right thing, never give up and never stopped.

This is because there are still many who hope that the success was instant. When success is not achieved then they stopped and decided to fail. Deciding to stop the same as deciding to fail.

It could be a success that there are 3 steps away from where you stand today. When there is a desire to quit, remind yourself: "maybe only 3 steps away."
Failure To Those Who Lack Science

You will never succeed, even though you've tried many times, if you do wrong. If you do not take lessons from past failures. If you do not take lessons from the successes of others. If you do not want to learn from various sources. You know just the wrong way. If you do not change it, you'll never succeed.

Alpha Thomas Edison, perform the experiment 10,000 times, in different ways. Not in the same way. The difference could be from what you do or how you do it. And, you'll find other ways if you just science. Learn!

Expand Your Horizon
The failure is also common in people who are narrow horizonnya or insights. He is limiting himself, either to limit or restrict the means of achieving goals.

For example, some say he has failed because it had three times tried to get into college (PTN). No more chance, he said.

Yes, he did fail to enter the PTN, but the life he has not failed. There are still many opportunities for success even without the glasses from the PTN. Many people who succeed, even though he graduated from PTS, and even high school, junior high, elementary, school did not even once. So, do not narrow your success just by defining it with the incoming PTN.

Keep trying, be patient, learn, and expand your horizons and do not forget to pray also. Hopefully, the failure does not continue to hit you.


Preparation of Special Driving Girls, Need Special Safety!

Girl driving, now mostly found in the street. Not only so boncenger, the girl can prove yourself as a biker. Driving in accordance with standard safety equipment. This can mean female motorists more aware and understand about safety riding.

What is the preparation of womanhood before driving, in order to 'blend' on the road with motorists generally. Let's discuss one by one.

Visit the Dinosaur Museum in Asturias Spain!

Jurassic Museum of Asturias

Jurassic Museum of Asturias (Spanish: Museo del Jurásico de Asturias, Muja) located in the Rasa de San Telmo near the parish Colunga, Asturias, Spain.
This museum displays a collection dating back 3,500 million years, and is divided into three stages (Mesozoic Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous or Cretaceous), various stages of geological periods shown in the display. contains more than 20 high-sized dinosaur replicas of more than 12 meters (39 feet), with a weight exceeding ten tonnes if the replica is real. there is also a collection of dinosaur footprints and fossils found in the Asturian Jurassic coast

Founded on March 31, 2004 with an investment of 12 million euroTujuan this museum is to illustrate the factors involved in the composition of life on Earth. team paleontologist José Carlos García-Ramos from the University of Oviedo led the scientific team of the museum.

Founded: March, 2004
Location: Kingdom of Asturias, Spain
Type: Paleontology of the Mesozoic division Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic periods


The museum, which opened in 2004, designed by architect, Rufino Uribelarrea. This building has many special features, especially the roof, which is in the form "is taken from the analogy of a fingerprint of the dinosaurs". Three elliptical dome forming a large room. Roof structure made ​​entirely of laminated wood, a plywood. The entire roof is covered with copper plate skin.
The first floor, ground floor and basement of the building of 5,000 square meters (54,000 sq ft). The three domes are broadly divided into three rooms division Mesozoic Cretaceous period, the Jurassic and Triassic.

The first floor consists of temporary exhibition space, reception room, administration rooms, and workshops, as well as libraries and laboratories. The ground floor contains a display space, audio-visual room and a permanent exposition space, along with the auditorium. Other supporting space that is there is a store, park, cafeteria, and playground. 

Permanent exposition space

  The room in the museum is divided into several periods beginning before the period of the Mesozoic (pre-Mesozoic), the period of the Mesozoic (Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic) and then to the present (post-Mesozoic).


More Picture and Info

This process of Death and Destruction of Our Bodies

This is the process of Death and Destruction of Our Bodies!
Shortly before death, you will feel the heart-stopping, breath held and body shaking. You feel cold ears. The blood turns into acid and throat to contract.
0 Minutes Medically death occurs when the brain runs out of oxygen supply.
1 Minute Blood discoloration and loss of muscle contraction, the contents of the bladder out without permission.
3 Minutes Brain cells die en masse. Currently the brain actually stopped to think.
4-5 Minutes Pupils dilate and webbed. Eyeballs shrink due to loss of blood pressure.
7-9 Minutes Liaison to the brain begins to die.
1-4 Hours Rigor mortis (the phase where the whole muscle in the body becomes rigid) makes the muscles stiff and the hair stood up, his impression of hair still grow after death.
4-6 Hours Rigor mortis Keep in action. Blood is gathered and then die and blackened skin color.
6 Hours Muscles are still contracting. The destruction process, such as the effect of alcohol is still running.
8 Hours The body temperature immediately dropped dramatically.
24-72 Hours The contents of the stomach and pancreas decomposed by microbes begin digesting itself.
36-48 Hours Rigor mortis stops, your body supple ballerina dancer.
3-5 Days Decay resulting in large-scale cuts, blood dripping out of the mouth and nose.
8-10 Days Body color changes from green to red in line with the decay of blood.
Some Sunday Hair, nails and teeth easily detached.
One Month Your skin begins to melt.
One Year Nothing else is left of your body. Your life as beautiful, dashing, handsome, rich and powerful, now just a pile of bones that sad. So, what people actually want in sombongkan ?....
GOOD to ponder ~ We do not carry anything when we leave this mortal world who ... Be a human being and not to complicate the lives of others,,

translated from


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